Castle Rock Quarry BE0211 - 12/10/2002

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Jim Sundine loves to be in the Castle Rock quarries.  However, most of the work he does is in the DMNS collections room unwrapping the fossils after their long drying process (which takes many weeks).  Jim has been a tremendous help on the Castle Rock project.  Many of the other team members have been extremely busy digging, colllecting fossils, writing scientific papers, preparing fossils, developing websites, teaching classes, etc.  Without the help of Jim, most of our finds would remain in wrap at the DMNS collections room.  Thank you Jim!!!!
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Jim Sundine loves to be in the Castle Rock quarries. However, most of the work he does is in the DMNS collections room unwrapping the fossils after their long drying process (which takes many weeks). Jim has been a tremendous help on the Castle Rock project. Many of the other team members have been extremely busy digging, colllecting fossils, writing scientific papers, preparing fossils, developing websites, teaching classes, etc. Without the help of Jim, most of our finds would remain in wrap at the DMNS collections room. Thank you Jim!!!!