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Images for Day: 234567       Text for Day: 1234567 
Day 2 (7/7/03) - West Bijou Creek at Soil Conservation District

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Rich Barclay in an outcrop named "Big Phone Booth".  Bottom of outcrop is carbonaceous mudstone, above that is coal (lignite), then a white ash layer, then Paleocene plants.  Thus, the K-T boundary has been crossed in this single outcrop.  Evidence of K-T is present in pollen, shocked quartz, Iridium and a 50% extinction rate of plants.
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Rich Barclay in an outcrop named "Big Phone Booth". Bottom of outcrop is carbonaceous mudstone, above that is coal (lignite), then a white ash layer, then Paleocene plants. Thus, the K-T boundary has been crossed in this single outcrop. Evidence of K-T is present in pollen, shocked quartz, Iridium and a 50% extinction rate of plants.

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