Geology of Colorado (Boulder Valley) - Field Trip #1, Stop #4: Lykins Formation
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![Lykins Formation: consists of red, thin-bedded, sand siltstones and shales, including dolostone and limestone layers. The image here shows layers of fossil algae known as Stromatolites. The limestone, dolostones, siltstones, and shales formed in a marine environment.\n\nThe stromatolites are present in the Forelle member (dolostone) of the Lykins. These algal mats are very calcareous and fizz intensively with a drop of hydrochloric acid (HCL). This is the side view of a very large stromatolite showing the thin laminations. [Stromatolites: Structures produced by cyanobacteria by entrapment of sediment grains on the sticky surfaces of the bacteria.]](img_8139_std.jpg)
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Lykins Formation: consists of red, thin-bedded, sand siltstones and shales, including dolostone and limestone layers. The image here shows layers of fossil algae known as Stromatolites. The limestone, dolostones, siltstones, and shales formed in a marine environment.
The stromatolites are present in the Forelle member (dolostone) of the Lykins. These algal mats are very calcareous and fizz intensively with a drop of hydrochloric acid (HCL). This is the side view of a very large stromatolite showing the thin laminations. [Stromatolites: Structures produced by cyanobacteria by entrapment of sediment grains on the sticky surfaces of the bacteria.]