is a volunteer effort which had it's start as as a place to "publish" current events from the Castle Rock Fossil Rainforest project at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science (DMNS). It's single goal is public education - You won't find any advertisements here because there is no profit motive whatsoever.The website is run by Steve Wagner, a volunteer at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science (DMNS). Numerous media articles were released on the Castle Rock Fossil Rainforest and many people in the general public began asking questions. While working in the fossil quarries, and armed with a digital camera, I had an idea. Why not create an internet site that would answer all these questions and provide digital pictures of the fossil leaves we are finding? What good is science if nobody knows about it? So, was born. It's intended not only for other interested scientists, but for the public at large.
Why do I do this? Because I LOVE fossils!
And, I want to share this excitement with others.Over time, the goal of this site has broadened. I've added sections on other paleontology and geology projects (both at DMNS and my personal digs). I also offer a place to publish paleontology articles free-of-charge if you have information you would like to share with the public.
If you like what you see here, please let me know. It gives me the energy to continue these efforts. So, CONTACT US.
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