Calcite replacing Bird's nest and eggs. Salt River Canyon, Gila County, Arizona. Arizona-Sonoran Desert Museum exhibit.

Bird/Dino fossil in display case with book "Feathered Dinosaurs and the Origin of Flight " (edited by Sylvia J. Czerkas)


Nest of dinosaur eggs - China

Head of next photo


Keichousaurus hui, Triassic, 241.9 million years old, Henan Province, China

Keichousaurus hui, Triassic, 241.9 million years old, Henan Province, China

Mixosaurus sp Mid Triassic Guizhou Province, China Forge Fossils, England (see closeup, next photo)

Mixosaurus sp Mid Triassic Guizhou Province, China Forge Fossils, England (see full specimen, previous photo)

Placodont sp (possibly new species) Mid-Triassic Guizhou Province, China Chris Moore Fossils


At StoneCompany.com (Boulder, CO) booth

At StoneCompany.com (Boulder, CO) booth

Two Keichousaurus hui's, Triassic Trilobite Etc. Forge Fossils, England

Keichousaurus hui, Triassic Forge Fossils, England






Megaladon Shark Teeth

Fossil Walrus Tusk from Miocene of South Carolina in back of Megaladon Shark Teeth

Megaladon Shark Tooth - "only" $950 for this large specimen.

Labeled Keichousaurus hui, Middle Triassic Guanglin Formation Guizhou Province, China (however, looks exceptionally large for a Keichousaurus hui)

Merycoidodon culbertsoni Brule Formation Upper Oligocene Shannon Co., South Dakota

Merycoidodon culbertsoni Brule Formation Upper Oligocene Shannon Co., South Dakota

Dinictis squalidens Brule Formation Middle Oligocene White River Badlands, South Dakota

Mosasaurus in matrix

Rhinoceros sp Brule Formation Oligocene Epoch Souix Co., Nebraska


Russian Cave Bear fully assembled from Ural Mountains, Russia

Baby Russian Cave Bear fully assembled from Ural Mountains, Russia


Meles meles Holocene Carpath Mountains, Romania



Fossil Shark teeth in matrix

Nice assortment of fish and stingray Green River formation, Wyoming

Fish and stingray Green River formation, Wyoming

Fish from Green River formation, Wyoming

Nice assortment of fish and stingray Green River formation, Wyoming (It's very rare to find all the animals "upright" like this. Normally, they are in all directions which you would expect at the bottom of a lakebed.)

Green River formation, Wyoming


Mammuthus Primigenius Pleistocene Era Russia Collected: Fall 2001


Psittacosaurus Early Cretaceous Beipiao, Liaoning, China $3000


Rare Green River fish in 3D. Most are flattened by pressure of formations. $5200

Rare Green River fish in 3D. Most are flattened by pressure of formations.

