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2003 Denver Fossil Show, 9/13/2003
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Juvenile Oviraptid\n"New Species"\nCretaceous Period\nGobi Desert, Mongolia\nChris Moore Fossils

Juvenile Oviraptid
"New Species"
Cretaceous Period
Gobi Desert, Mongolia
Chris Moore Fossils

Juvenile Oviraptid\n"New Species"\nCretaceous Period\nGobi Desert, Mongolia\nChris Moore Fossils

Juvenile Oviraptid
"New Species"
Cretaceous Period
Gobi Desert, Mongolia
Chris Moore Fossils

Annie & Katie with Mr. Bones' T-Rex

Annie & Katie with Mr. Bones' T-Rex

Baby Russian Cave Bear

Baby Russian Cave Bear

Bob Bakker imitating a dinosaur while signing his book.  Interesting attire - a cross between Willie Nelson (long hair), a cowboy, and an engineer (15 pens in pockets)!!!

Bob Bakker imitating a dinosaur while signing his book. Interesting attire - a cross between Willie Nelson (long hair), a cowboy, and an engineer (15 pens in pockets)!!!

Vinac Abuse

Vinac Abuse

True "Fossil Books"

True "Fossil Books"

Fossil fish with internal quartz crystals

Fossil fish with internal quartz crystals

Fossil fish with internal quartz crystals

Fossil fish with internal quartz crystals

A rare coconut from the Seychelles.  Appears like a woman bent over!

A rare coconut from the Seychelles. Appears like a woman bent over!

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Developed by Steve Wagner, Denver Museum of Nature & Science Volunteer
Hosting donated by Wagner Database Solutions, Inc.