Intro Geology
Cert Home Field Trip #1 Field Trip #2

These pages document Colorado geology as revealed, in part, by field trips taken as part of the Geology class (Paleontology Certification Program) at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.  The class was taught by Dr. Robert G. Raynolds, DMNS consulting geologist and research associate.  These pages were developed by Steve Wagner, a student in the Paleontology Certification Program.  Below you will find links to each of the field trips that are intended to be a "digital field book" of the trips.

Field Trip #1 - 8/10/2002  Daniel's Park, Castle Rock, fossil rainforest, Red Rocks park, Dinosaur Ridge, I-285 road cut
Field Trip #2 - 8/17/2002  Vail Pass, Redcliff, Wolcott, State Bridge, McCoy, Dotsero

Interested in paleontology?  See the Paleontology Certification Program at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.