Field School, Day 3 (7/8/03) - Plum Creek and Pulpit Rock, Colorado SpringsOn Day #3, we began at 8:00 a.m. with a discussion full of definitions (see notes below). There is great confusion in the Denver Basin due to past nomenclature provided for the various sedimentary layers and geographic areas. Different people use Arapahoe, Dawson & Denver names to refer to different sections, or even the same section. The aquifer names further complicate naming because they use the same names, but these refer to depths which have nothing to do with lithology. It is important to remember that time does not equal sediments - during a given time, different sediments are being deposited depending on their source rock. So, naming a formation in the Denver Basin based on rock type doesn't work.
We visited a location on Monument Creek near Mark Dabling Rd. It is a braided stream which flows southward towards the Arkansas river. We were immediately presented with a nice cut bank displaying silty mudstones, coal/lignite beds, overlying mudstones and more recent dirt.
Then, we experienced an argument between scientists. Some may be disconcerted by what took place, but this is truly the way science is revealed. After considerable discussion, digging, explanation and argument - one side prevailed. In the meantime, a new fossil plant locality was discovered which was aptly named "Lost Argument". It's believed to be approximately 68 mya at the base of D1.
The base of Pulpit Rock is an enigma. It contains pink feldspar, black quartz, arkose, etc. However, just above the base is an unusual slurry of debris flow. It appears to be from a landslide/mudslide event, but it is still unexplained. For more on this, see the pictures link at the bottom of this page. Definitions: