Geology of Colorado (Boulder Valley) - Sedimentology & Stratigraphy, Field Trip #1 These pages discuss the geology of Colorado's Boulder Valley area. The images are from a 3/15/2003 field trip that is part of the Sedimentology & Stratigraphy class of the paleontology certification program at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science (DMNS). The field trip covered areas northwest of Boulder such as Fourmile Canyon, Lee Hill Road, Lefthand Canyon, Old Stage Road and Foothills Highway. The formations/members examined include Fountain, Lyons, Lykins, Canyon Spring, Morrison, Dakota, Benton (Codell mbr, Carlile mbr), Niobrara (Fort Hays mbr, Smoky Hills mbr).
1. "Boulder, A Sight to Behold: Guidebook" (1976) by Donald D. Runnells, modified by Sheila Murphy. Graphics adapted from Runnells by Erica J. Keefe. "Geologic Cross Section of the Boulder Area", At Boulder Area Sustainability Network (BASIN)
[Created 03/17/2003] [Last Updated: n/a]