
Paleobotany Sites Colorado Paleontology Museums Newsletters Links and References
Databases Museum/Park Sites Maps Order/Family Specific Sites
Fossil Protection Links Fossil Hunting Sites Commercial Sites  Kids Sites 

Paleontology Groups  [top]
  • Western Interior Paleontological Society (WIPS) - A Denver, Colorado nonprofit organization that primarily focuses on paleontology . All aspects of the earth sciences are encouraged, however, including geology, paleoarcheology and occasionally space sciences.  Meetings are held at 7:00 on the first Monday of the month in Ricketson Auditorium at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.  Members can participate in field trips and and digs; and receive the newsletter, "Trilobite Tales".  See Upcoming Earth Science Events.
  • Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (SVP) - Dedicated to vertebrate paleontology and organized exclusively foreducational and scientific purposes.
  • The Paleontological Society - Nonprofit organization devoted exclusively to the advancement of the science of paleontology.  Publisher of the Journal of Paleontology.
  • Geological Society of America (GSA) - Advancing the geosciences, enhancing the professional growth of its members, and promoting the geosciences in the service to humankind and stewardship of the Earth.
  • Mid-America Paleontology Society (MAPS) - Sponsors the National Fossil Exposition.

  • Paleobotany Sites  [top]
  • "Impact of the terminal Cretaceous event on plant–insect associations", Conrad C. Labandeira (1), Kirk R. Johnson (2), and Peter Wilf (1); 2001 - (1) National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution; (2) Denver Museum of Nature and Science.

  • "Response of Plant-Insect Associations to Paleocene-Eocene Warming", Peter Wilf and Conrad C. Labandeira, Department of Paleobiology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution

  • Colorado Paleontology-Related Museums  [top]
  • Dinosaur Ridge, Morrison, Colorado
  • Dinosaur Ridge is a geologically famous natural landmark, located along the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains, near Morrison, Colorado. This location features historically famous Jurassic dinosaur bone, such as Stegosaurus and Apatosaurus, discovered in 1877, and Cretaceous dinosaur footprints, attributed to ornithopod and theropod dinosaurs. A guidebook is available for use on self-guided tours. Guided tours can be arranged through the Friends of Dinosaur Ridge.
  • University of Colorado Museum of Natural History, Boulder, Colorado
  • One of the premier natural history museums in the country, this institution was founded at the turn of the century to house the collection of Colorado naturalist Edwin Carter. Visitors can see dinosaur fossils such as Stegosaurus stenops (the state fossil), a small-headed, armor-plated vegetarian that roamed the state 150 million years ago.  Enormous remains of the Nebraska mammoth and long-jawed mastodon also are on display.
  • Denver Museum of Nature & Science (DMNS), Denver, Colorado
  • One of the premier natural history museums in the country, this institution was founded at the turn of the century to house the collection of Colorado naturalist Edwin Carter. Visitors can see dinosaur fossils such as Stegosaurus stenops (the state fossil), a small-headed, armor-plated vegetarian that roamed the state 150 million years ago. Enormous remains of the Nebraska mammoth and long-jawed mastodon also are on display.
  • Dinosaur Depot, Canon City. Colorado
  • Dinosaur Depot is located within an historic fire station, built in the late 1930’s.  It contains a visitor center and a working preparatory lab with interpretive displays.  Fremont County has long been known as the home of Garden Park, location of the largest Jurassic graveyard in the world.  Fossils from Garden Park are in many of this country’s natural history museums.  (Check out the "Just for Kids" section.)
  • Dinosaur National Monument, Dinosaur, Colorado
  • Dinosaur National Monument encompasses 210,000 acres that stretches across the Utah and Colorado border.  Fossilized bones of Allosaurus and other species of prehistoric creatures have been revealed in a single sandstone cliff, one of the world's largest concentrations of fossilized dinosaur bones. Visitors can view more than 2,300 fossilized bones and related exhibits about the quarry face in the visitor center near Jensen, UT.
  • Dinosaur Journey Museum, Museum of Western Colorado, Fruita, Colorado
  • Operated by the Museum of Western Colorado. The museum features the latest exhibits and information about dinosaur excavations and realistic robotic dinosaurs such as Dilophosaurus, “Utah raptor”, and T. Rex. There is also a working paleontology laboratory in which fossils removed from local quarries are prepared for scientific study and exhibit.
  • Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center
  • The Rocky Mountain Dinosaur Resource Center (RMDRC) is a new 20,000 square foot museum in Woodland Park, Colorado, featuring fossils from North America’s Cretaceous Period including marine reptiles, pterosaurs, dinosaurs, a working fossil lab viewable by visitors, and hands-on educational activities.
  • Morrison Natural History Museum, Morrison, Colorado
  • The second largest city-operated natural history museum in the Colorado Front Range.  Museum tells the story of Morrison's dinosaur discoveries on nearby Dinosaur Ridge, and the plants and animals that share our area today. Here you will see -- and touch -- real dinosaur bones, and even help us chip rock away from them.
  • Paleotrailsproject.org - Sharon Milito. Geology and paleontology of Red Rock Canyon Open Space in Colorado Springs.
  • Marsh [Felch] Quarry - Interactive map of the March [Felch] dinosaur quarry at Garden Park, Canon City, CO.  Includes the historic Felch to March letters.
  • Colorado's Fossils Laws: Rules and Procedures: Historical, Prehistorical, and Archaeological Resources Act (#1308b 8CCR 1504-7) - Colorado Historical Society, Office of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (OAHP), Susan M. Collins, State Archaeologist; Email the OAHP

  • Newsletters [top]
  • Fossil News - Journal of Avocational Paleontology - Monthly magazine published specifically with the fossil enthusiast or avocational paleontologist in mind.  Lots of online articles.

  • Trilobite Tales - Monthly newsletter published by WIPS (Western Interior Paleontological Society) - A Denver, Colorado nonprofit organization.
  • The Journal of Paleontological Sciences - Publishes original paleontological research, descriptions of previously undocumented specimens, large data sets and other articles of interest to the paleo-community.

  • Links and References  [top]
  • Open Directory Paleontology Links (dmoz.org)
  • Links for Palaeobotanists (Universität Wüerzburg, Germany) - Great list compiled and maintained by Klaus-Peter Kelber.

  •   [See links on Sedimentology and Sedimentary Rocks, Preservation & Taphonomy, Images of Plant Fossils.]
  • Yahoo Paleontology Links (dir.yahoo.com)
  • Guide to the WWW of Paleontology (paleozoic.org)

  • Databases [top
  • The Plant Fossil Record Database - Paleobotany, at International Organisation of Paleobotany
  • PaleOasys Data Exchange  - Community driven application for sharing research data, high-resolution tracking, reporting, and analyzing paleontological research activities.  Project Coordinators: Michael Poltenovage & Greg Wilson

  • PaleoBase - Invertebrates, at The Natural History Museum, London
  • Paleobiology Database Project - Public resource for the scientific community.  Goal is to provide global, collection-based occurrence and taxonomic data for marine and terrestrial animals and plants of any geological age, as well as web-based software for statistical analysis of the data. The project's wider, long-term goal is to encourage collaborative efforts to answer large-scale paleobiological questions by developing a useful database infrastructure and bringing together large data sets.  (NSF Grant No. 9912384)
  • PaleoTax - Free Windows-based database tool for taxonomic work with fossil organisms.
  • Micropaleontology Press - The Micropaleontology Project.
  • PaleoLink - Database of link to Paleo websites, International Palaeontological Association (IPA) at University of Kansas.
  • DigiMorph - Digital Morphology library including dinosaurs, extinct mammals and lizards.  High-resolution images of X-ray computed tomography.  Part of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Digital Libraries Initiative, University of Texas at Austin
  • TriloBase - Trilobite database for Windows.

  • Museum/Park Sites  [top]
  • The Natural History Museum - Department of Palaeontology, London
  • Denver Museum of Nature & Science (DMNS) - Denver, Colorado
  • Florida Museum of Natural History - University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida
  • Dinosaur National Monument - Colorado/Utah:  Geology of the Quarry (National Park Service).
  • Falls of the Ohio State Park - Devonian fossil beds
  • The Field Museum (Chicago) - Follow scientists as they conduct fieldwork around the world with the "Expeditions @ Field Museum" program.

  • Maps [top]

      Geological (by State)

    Order/Family Specific Sites  [top]
  • Guide to the Orders of Trilobites - A site devoted to understanding trilobites, probably the best trilobite site on the web.
  • Utah Fossil Page - Trilobites at University of Utah College of Mines and Earth Sciences

  • Fossil Protection Links  [top]
  • The Society for the Preservation of  Natural History Collections

  • Fossil Hunting Sites  [top]
  • Discovering Fossils in U.K. - Great educational site and resource for fossil hunting and geology of the U.K.

  • Commercial Sites  [top]
  • Black Hills Institute - Field work, preparation, research, molding and casting, mounting, displays.
  • TrollArt - Paleo art by Ray Troll.  Every paleontologist MUST own at least one Troll t-shirt!
  • Geo-Tools.com - A GREAT site to get all your collecting tools.  Very good prices and hard to find tools.  Also, check out the gallery for trilobite images.  Geological Tools and Outfitter, LLC, Glade Gunther, Val Gunther.
  • Triebold Paleontology, Inc.
    Cast skeletons for sale or to rent, and have two traveling exhibitions available for booking.

  • Kids Sites  [top]
  • Learning from the Fossil Record, K-12 education and exercises from U.C. Berkley's Museum of Paleontology

  • Paleocurrents.com
    [Created 09/23/2002]
    [Last Updated: 3/09/2011]

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